Our group gathers researchers from three different institutes having different complementary
- Experimental physicists from the Institute for Nanoscience and Cryogenics (CEA-INAC) and from the Néel Institute (CNRS-NEEL) with an expertise in quantum electronics, low-temperature transport, quantum coherent manipulation of single electrons in semiconductor nanostructures
- Theoretical condensed-matter physicists from CEA-INAC, with a long-standing expertise in the modeling of semiconductor nanodevices
- Microelectronics engineers from the Laboratory of Electronics and Information Technology (CEA-Leti) with a broad expertise in silicon technology and integration, including device modeling and circuit design.
Many of us have been collaborating on common projects for over fifteen years. Strong of this long-lasting interaction and of a jointly developed know-how, our multi-institutional team is currently expanding and focusing its research towards the developing field of quantum engineering. Among our primary goals, we aim at developing a scalable quantum processor based on state-of-the-art silicon technology.
Experimental facilities at CEA-INAC
Inac, a joint CEA-UGA research institute, is a major actor in fundamental research on condensed matter, soft matter and cryogenics in Grenoble. Most of its activities in physics, chemistry and at the interface with biology are included under the banner of nanoscience. It has programmes in several strategic areas: low carbon energy, information technology, heath technology, global defence and security, development and use of large facilities, cryogenics for space and for large facilities. With the advent of nanosciences, the organisation of research within Inac based on decompartmentalizing scientific fields is more relevant than ever: synergies of all kinds are looked into in order to efficiently exploit all properties of matter, at the nanometer scale.
- Experimental facilities at CNRS-NEELIstitn
Institut Néel is a research laboratory of CNRS, closely linked with Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, with total staff 450. Its main expertise is condensed matter physics, with activities combining fundamental and applied purposes including patenting and industry-driven projects in energy, ICT, biotechnologies. It is part in the recently-accepted network of excellence of Grenoble laboratories for Nanosciences, Energy of the future and Healthcare- (Lanef Grenoble), with a large number of supporting companies.
CMOS fabrication platform at CEA-LETI
The team is widely known and recognized for its research on advanced CMOS and more generally on logic devices. The integration activities span devices from FDSOI to spin Si quantum bits looking at staked nanowires and high mobility materials. We are engaged in the development of silicon spin qubits towards truly scalable realizations relying on industrial-level CMOS technology. Our integration work is done in collaboration with process engineers, simulation and characterization teams on one side and IC designers on the other side.
The integration team belongs to Leti which is an institute of CEA, a French research-and-technology organization with activities in energy, IT, healthcare, defence and security. Leti is focused on creating value and innovation through technology transfer to its industrial partners. It specializes in nanotechnologies and their applications, from wireless devices and systems, to biology, healthcare and photonics. NEMS and MEMS are at the core of its activities. In addition to Leti’s 1,700 employees, there are more than 250 students involved in research activities, which makes Leti a mainspring of innovation expertise. Leti’s portfolio of 2,800 patents helps strengthen the competitiveness of its industrial partners.
Two Leti technology platforms are bridging the gap between upstream research and development of new micro and nanotechnology applications. The MOS 200/300 platform provides 200mm and 300mm CMOS wafer processing, which can be applied to both semiconductor and microsystem devices.
Nanocharacterization Platform (NanoCarac)
The Nano-Characterization Platform, now known as PFN covers a large domain of competencies, including electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, surface analysis and sample preparation. The PFNC comprises more than 40 state-of-the-art characterization tools located in a dedicated laboratory of more 2,500m2, staffed by approximately 80 researchers and student. Read more….
Upstream Technological Platform (PTA)
Compatible from small samples up to 100 mm wafers, the PTA has a wide range of equipment available for performing all the necessary steps in functionalization of micronic and submicronic objects.
The equipment is classified by technological family
Lithography field (UV, DUV, E-beam) : the set of technological steps for producing photoresist patterns on the sample. The patterns will subsequently delineate the different areas of the devices to be processed. The PTA has at its disposal equipment for induction and annealing of photoresist on samples ranging from a few mm² to 100 mm wafers. Lithography can be optic (UV, DUV) , electronic with final resolutions of 7 nm or done by nanoimprint.
Etching field (DRIE; ICP,IBE)either: chemical or dry, etching enables the substrate / materials to be patterned through lithography or hard mask. The available etching chemistries are proper to the materials to be etched and the etching can be isotropic or anisotropic.
Deposition field (Metal and insulator sputtering, metal evaporation, ALD, PECVD, LPCVD): The PTA is equipped with a set of depostion tools for metal, oxides, (SiN, SiO2, HfO2, Al2O3…) and semiconductors (Si, Ge,..).
Metrological field: The PTA provides metrology and monitoring equipment such as optic and electronic microscope, mechanical profilometer, spectroscopic ellipsometer which are indispensable complements in process control.
Micro & nano systems field : the PTA is equipped with a microsystems line dedicated to fabrication of MEMS and NEMS. This includes: front/back end alignment exposure, chemical mechanical polishing, supercritical drying, vapor HFetcher, and molecular bonding.